How to go to Super Junior Yesung parents' cafe - Hansel and Gretel

Sunday, July 1, 2012 · Posted in , , , ,

Hansel and Gretel

Walking distance: Walk-able, Bear-able, Marathon-able(Take a cab)
Price range: Cheap, Normal, Expensive
Travel by: Subway

It is very easy to go to Super Junior Yesung parents cafe Hansel and Gretel. It is around 10 minutes walk from the subway National Assembly. And furthermore, E.L.F could also visit Super Junior's radio show Kiss radio as his cafe is just opposite KBS building.

There are a lot of Super Junior and Yesung's photos around. I also saw Yesung's very cute brother Jongjin. He is very helpful and knows how to speak a little bit English. He actually help us to find a seat as the whole cafe is actually fully occupied. So overseas friends have no worries. The whole cafe actually is occupied by fans from all over the world, taiwan, china, japanese etc. All of the staff know how to speak basic English. Not to mention the food over there is very affordable even for students. For the detail direction, please click Read More for directions...



How to Go:

1. Take the subway and Alight at National Assembly Exit 4.
2. Walk Straight and turn right when you see the zebra crossing.
3. Continue to walk straight and you will reach Hansel and Gretel. KBS building is just opposite Hansel and Gretel. Viola!!

Price range: ~~8900




I ordered an ice mocha and a chicken breast sandwich which cost around 8000 - 9000 won. The mocha is nice but the chicken sandwich taste more like bacon sandwich. But anyway, I still managed to finish it. After that, we also visit sungmin and ryeowook's kiss radio show at KBS building.

One Response to “How to go to Super Junior Yesung parents' cafe - Hansel and Gretel”

  1. could you please tell me the address to the cafe? :) That way I can look up the directions from the place I am staying at. Send them to if you can please<3
