Directions to Kim Hyun Joong Chicken Restaurant Jaksal
Walking distance: Walk-able, Bear-able, Marathon-able(Take a cab)
Price range: Cheap, Normal, Expensive
Travel by: Subway
Address: 한국 서울시 송파구 석촌동 171-9
Price Range: 18000 - 25 000 Korean Wons (1 dish can serve 2 -3 person)~~You could refer to the menu below for the price
Kim Hyun Joong Chicken Restaurant Jaksal is easy to go as it is around 5 minutes walk from the subway station. The restaurant itself is quite small but it is quite distinctive as the shop is in pink color. You could see plastic tables and chairs around.
I have been to quite a few restaurants and cafes opened by the Korean idols and celebrities. Haha, Kim Hyun Joong's store is actually one of the few Kpop idols' restaurants where I saw more local Koreans than overseas fans when I arrived. I believed that the food should be catered to Koreans. Anyway, it is quite a good place for friends to chill out and have a beer. (not for proper dinner though)
Try not to order too much as the serving of the food is actually quite huge and one dish could actually serve for 2-3 people.I order the spicy chicken, french fries and beer. The serving is enormous. Two of my friends and me could not even finish half of it. For the directions and map, please click on read more for direction.
Directions to Kim Hyun Joong Chicken Restaurant :
1. Exit from Seokchon subway exit 7
2. You will see Shihan Bank when you walked out continue to walk straight
3. Later when you see MORBIS CARFE, turn inside and walk straight and you see a pink building viola, you are there~~
Kim Hyun Joong Chicken Restaurant Map:
Kim Hyun Joong Chicken Restaurant Menu: